Kathrein ESU - Privacy Policy

It is our highest priority to protect customer data and to only use it the way our customers would expect us to. Compliance with statutory data protection regulations is therefore a matter of course for us.
The application Kathrein ESU (hereinafter referred to as "App") is provided by KATHREIN Digital Systems GmbH, Anton-Kathrein-Str. 1–3, 83004 Rosenheim, Germany (hereinafter referred to as "we"). In the following, we inform you of type, extent and purpose of any collection and use of personal data in connection with the use of our App and how we will process this data. You can access this privacy policy at any time within the section "Legal notice" or on our website at https://www.kathrein-ds.com/en/sat/apps/kathrein_esu/kathrein_esu-privacy-policy/.


1. Data controller

Data controller in terms of data protection law is:


KATHREIN Digital Systems GmbH

Anton-Kathrein-Str. 1–3

83004 Rosenheim



Please feel free to address any questions or concerns regarding data protection and privacy to dsb@remove-this.kathrein-ds.com.


2. Scope of data protection

Subject to Data protection are personal data. Personal data is defined in Sec 3 para. 1 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (“Bundesdatenschutzgesetz”; “BDSG”) as any information concerning the personal and material circumstances of an identified or identifiable individual. This includes information like name, postal address, e-mail address or telephone number, but in some cases also usage data. Usage data are data required to use the App, for instance your IP address and information about the chosen configuration of the one-cable outlet.


3. Collection and use of your data

When you use our App to interact with your single-cable outlet programmer, for technical reasons the following data is transferred to your programmer:


• Local IP address of your mobile device

• Changes of settings of the programmer (wifi settings, connection data to a lokal wifi in case of client-mode)

• Changes of settings of the single-cable outlet connected to the programmer (e.g. disable/enable userbands or editing protection)

• Commands sent from the App to the programmer (e.g. reset the outlet to its factory defaults)


This data cannot be used to identify you personally and is solely transmitted within your local network. At no time any data is transferred to our servers and we do not have any access to data within your network.
It is not required for you to provide any personal data to use the app, the programmer or single-cable outlets, e.g. by way of signing in or registering, so that no further data is collected. No data is exchanged between the App, the programmer and single-cable outlets that can be used to identify the user.


4. Sharing data

All use of your personal data is used only for the mentioned purposes and to the extent necessary to achieve these purposes. At no time your personal date will be disclosed to any third party.


5. Right to access information

You are entitled to request disclosure of your personal data that we are storing. Please address any requests in such matters to:


KATHREIN Digital Systems GmbH

Anton-Kathrein-Straße 1–3

83004 Rosenheim



In compliance with statutory law we will inform you about any collection and use of your personal data free of charge and without undue delay.


Last updated: 28. August 2019